Thursday, 19 January 2012

Hello World... No Really,

So here I am... blankly staring at the white screen with the little blinky cursor. Not entirely sure what to write, but overwhelmingly thankful for the spell check iv grown so desperately dependent on. All the while staring off into space pondering about #define and the wonderful cup of soup I had for lunch... Perhaps a little context would be helpful here. I am a programming student at Seneca College currently in 4th semester, and trying to establish myself in the online community. Many of our professors have suggested twitter accounts, irc channels and Facebook groups, but im going to first dip my toes in the waters of the blogging community.

The basic overall theme of this blog is going to shift between my fun filled school life as a programming student, and my romantic slightly insane work life as a Batista. I will always try to share and accept wisdom when ever possible, as well as sharing my favorite cafes, drinks, websites and people.

I realize that this is a short first entry... But there will be lots more to come. So if your reading this remember to have a good cup of tea, eat a healthy breakfast, and check back here in about a week for a brand new post!


  1. So, you like working as a "Batista" do you? How's that working out for you? lol.

  2. lol hey, sounds better then coffee girl doesn't it?
